In business there is a saying that it is cheaper to keep your current clients than find new ones. Ultimately you need to figure how to keep them here and not go next door. Start slow and build in Net Promotor Scores (NPS). This shows who likes you, who hates you, and who is in the middle. NPS can help you measure everything that you want to know. Once you get those scores, listen to those problems and follow up. People know you can’t fix everything but they at least want to know they’re being heard and addressed.

Key Takeaways:

  • You need to listen to your customers by using metrics to hear what they are saying and not saying
  • Follow up on the changes so they know you are listening to their problems
  • Ultimately, they just want to be heard, and showing your are making progress is important

“Now the world’s leading metric for measuring customer loyalty and happiness, NPS is also shown to be highly predictive of future growth.”

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